School to Work: Creating Future Pathways
Our Vision
School to Work Information
All students in NSW government secondary schools will be enterprising and capable citizens, well prepared to take charge of their future.
They will gain the skills and confidence to be independent, self-aware, resourceful and alert to the choices and opportunities available in their lives.
Why is Future Pathways needed?
School to Work: Creating Future Pathways helps young people come to terms with the rapidly changing marketplace.
It gives students a head start in understanding:
- the growth in part-time, casual, contract and voluntary work
- skill shortages
- industrial relations
- gloabalisation and the 24/7 world
- flexible information and communication-based technologies
- increased mobility and telecommuting
- work-life balance.
It recognises that students need to actively manage their career planning and development throughout their lives to benefit from all the challenges and opportunities that arise.
School to Work: Creating Future Pathways is for all school students aged 14 - 19 years enrolled in NSW government schools. It helps young people develop employment related skills that can be applied to a range of jobs and careers.
It also encourages new and strengthened partnerships between schools and TAFE NSW Institutes as well as parents and carers, mentors, local employers and businesses, community organisations and industry.